The WMS KOR250 (INSPIRE) in the scale of 1:250,000 shows occurrences and deposits of mineral resources in Germany, which lie close to the Earth’s surface, i.e. can be mined in open-pits, quarries or near-surface mines. These mineral resources include industrial minerals, aggregates, peat, lignite, oil shales, and natural brines. The map is derived from the KOR250, the digital successor of the map series KOR200 „Map of Near-Surface Deposits of the Federal Republic of Germany 1:200,000”, which has been published since 1984. The KOR200 and KOR250 have been published by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources together with the State Geological Surveys of the federal states on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. Primary purpose of the KOR250 is to display Germany’s potential of domestic raw materials in a comparable way. The explanations given in the printed booklets accompanying the KOR200 are not available in the digital KOR250. In the KOR250 besides the defined deposits and differently coloured areas of raw materials, "active mines" (= operations) at time of publication or "focal points of several active mines" are marked with one symbol each. These mines are not included in the KOR250 (INSPIRE) as often the headquarters of the mining company and not the mining site itself is displayed as well as in many regions the dataset is outdated. As the map sheets of the KOR200 have been generated over more than three decades the timeliness of data is extremely different. For more detail, the current large-scale raw material maps of the Federal State Geological Surveys should always be consulted. The point data displayed in KOR250 (INSPIRE) indicate very small, but worth mentioning prospects of certain raw materials. The WMS KOR250 (INSPIRE) contains the two layers MR.MineralOccurence.Commodity.Polygon (mineral resources as polygons) and MR.MineralOccurence.Commodity.Point (mineral resources as points). Via the getFeatureInfo request the user obtains additional information on the mineral resources. Notes: The colouring of the raw material occurrences in the KOR250 (INSPIRE) largely corresponds to the colouring of the original KOR250. In the INSPIRE Data Specification on Mineral Resources (D2.8.III.21) there are no portrayal rules for building raw materials and dimension stones, which constitute a large part of the raw material occurrences. It should be noted that according to the INSPIRE commodity code list, most magmatites and metamorphites were assigned to the two values "granite" and "basalt". From a geological point of view and with regard to its origin, this assignment is often misleading. For more information on the outcropping rock of a specific raw material occurrence, the German name from the original KOR250 was mapped to the attribute name of the class GeologicFeature. Link KOR200:
The KOR250 (INSPIRE) in the scale of 1:250,000 shows occurrences and deposits of mineral resources in Germany, which lie close to the Earth’s surface, i.e. can be mined in open-pits, quarries or near-surface mines. These mineral resources include industrial minerals, aggregates, peat, lignite, oil shales, and natural brines. The map is derived from the KOR250, the digital successor of the map series KOR200 „Map of Near-Surface Deposits of the Federal Republic of Germany 1:200,000”, which has been published since 1984. The KOR200 and KOR250 have been published by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources together with the State Geological Surveys of the federal states on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. Primary purpose of the KOR250 is to display Germany’s potential of domestic raw materials in a comparable way. The explanations given in the printed booklets accompanying the KOR200 are not available in the digital KOR250. In the KOR250 besides the defined deposits and differently coloured areas of raw materials, "active mines" (= operations) at time of publication or "focal points of several active mines" are marked with one symbol each. These mines are not included in the KOR250 (INSPIRE) as often the headquarters of the mining company and not the mining site itself is displayed as well as in many regions the dataset is outdated. As the map sheets of the KOR200 have been generated over more than three decades the timeliness of data is extremely different. For more detail, the current large-scale raw material maps of the Federal State Geological Surveys should always be consulted. The point data displayed in KOR250 (INSPIRE) indicate very small, but worth mentioning prospects of certain raw materials. According to the Data Specification on Mineral Resources (D2.8.III.21) the content of the map is stored in two INSPIRE-compliant GML files: KOR250_EarthResource_polygon.gml comprises the mineral resources as polygons. KOR250_EarthResource_point.gml comprises the mineral resources as points. The GML files together with a Readme.txt file are provided in ZIP format ( The Readme.text file (German/English) contains detailed information on the GML files content. Data transformation was proceeded by using the INSPIRE Solution Pack for FME according to the INSPIRE requirements. Notes: It should be noted that according to the INSPIRE commodity code list, most magmatites and metamorphites were assigned to the two values "granite" and "basalt". From a geological point of view and with regard to its origin, this assignment is often misleading. For more information on the outcropping rock of a specific raw material occurrence, the German name from the original KOR250 was mapped to the attribute name of the class GeologicFeature. Link KOR200:
Informationen zur Karte "Geologische Skizze" - Darstellung der Geologie Berlins ab Oberfläche bis maximal 5 Meter Tiefe (Übersichtskarte).
Geologischer Aufbau Berlins, Schichten und Mächtigkeiten, Schichtfolge über Sachdatenanzeige
Geologischer Aufbau Berlins: Angaben zu Schichten und Mächtigkeiten auf Grundlage der Geometrien der oberen Schicht
Geologischer Aufbau Berlins, Schichten und Mächtigkeiten, Schichtfolge über Sachdatenanzeige
Der interoperable INSPIRE-WFS Soil / Moorbodenkarte Brandenburg - Substratart 2021 ist ein Downloaddienst, der Daten im Annex-Schema Boden (abgeleitet aus dem originären Datensatz: Moorbodenkarte Brandenburg - Substratart 2021) bereitstellt. Er gibt einen Überblick über aktuelle Informationen zur substratsystematischen Einheit der Moorbodenkarte für das Bezugsjahr 2021 im Land Brandenburg. Die vorliegenden Vektordatensätze wurden aus einem Grid im 10 m-Raster erzeugt. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Gemäß der INSPIRE-Datenspezifikation Soil (D2.8.II.1_v3.0) liegen die Inhalte der Karte INSPIRE-konform vor. Der WFS beinhaltet die folgenden FeatureTypes: - Bodenkörper (so:SoilBody), der einen abgegrenzten und hinsichtlich bestimmter Bodeneigenschaften und/oder räumlicher Muster homogener Teil der Bodendecke aufzeigt. --- The compliant INSPIRE-WFS Soil / Moorbodenkarte Brandenburg - Substratart 2021 is a download service that delivers data in the annex schema Soil (derived from the original data set: Peatland soil map Brandenburg - substrate 2021). It provides an overview of the up-to-date information on the substrate systematic unit of the peatland soil map for the reference year 2021 in the state of Brandenburg. The available vector data sets were generated from a 10 m grid. For more information, please refer to The content of the map is compliant to the INSPIRE data specification for the annex theme Soil (D2.8.II.1_v3.0). The WFS consists of the following FeatureTypes: - soil body (so:SoilBody), which shows parts of the soil cover that is delineated and that is homogeneous with regard to certain soil properties and/or spatial patterns.
Der interoperable INSPIRE-WFS Soil / Moorbodenkarte Brandenburg - Bodentypen 2021 ist ein Downloaddienst, der Daten im Annex-Schema Boden (abgeleitet aus dem originären Datensatz: Moorbodenkarte Brandenburg - Bodentypen 2021) bereitstellt. Er gibt einen Überblick über aktuelle Informationen zur bodensystematischen Einheit der Moorbodenkarte für das Bezugsjahr 2021 im Land Brandenburg. Die vorliegenden Vektordatensätze wurden aus einem Grid im 10 m-Raster erzeugt. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Gemäß der INSPIRE-Datenspezifikation Soil (D2.8.II.1_v3.0) liegen die Inhalte der Karte INSPIRE-konform vor. Der WFS beinhaltet die folgenden FeatureTypes: - Bodenkörper (so:SoilBody), der einen abgegrenzten und hinsichtlich bestimmter Bodeneigenschaften und/oder räumlicher Muster homogener Teil der Bodendecke aufzeigt. --- The compliant INSPIRE-WFS Soil / Moorbodenkarte Brandenburg - Bodentypen 2021 is a download service that delivers data in the annex schema Soil (derived from the original data set: Peatland soil map Brandenburg - soil type 2021). It provides an overview of the up-to-date information on the soil systematic unit of the peatland soil map for the reference year 2021 in the state of Brandenburg. The available vector data sets were generated from a 10 m grid. For more information, please refer to The content of the map is compliant to the INSPIRE data specification for the annex theme Soil (D2.8.II.1_v3.0). The WFS consists of the following FeatureTypes: - soil body (so:SoilBody), which shows parts of the soil cover that is delineated and that is homogeneous with regard to certain soil properties and/or spatial patterns.
Der interoperable INSPIRE-WMS ist ein Darstellungsdienst, der Daten im Annex-Schema Boden (abgeleitet aus dem originären Datensatz: Moorbodenkarte Brandenburg - Substratart 2021) bereitstellt. Er gibt einen Überblick über aktuelle Informationen zur substratsystematischen Einheit der Moorbodenkarte für das Bezugsjahr 2021 im Land Brandenburg. Die vorliegenden Vektordatensätze wurden aus einem Grid im 10 m-Raster erzeugt. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Gemäß der INSPIRE-Datenspezifikation Soil (D2.8.II.1_v3.0) liegen die Inhalte der Karte INSPIRE-konform vor. Der WMS beinhaltet die folgenden Layer: - SO.SoilBody: Abgegrenzter und hinsichtlich bestimmter Bodeneigenschaften und/oder räumlicher Muster homogener Teil der Bodendecke. --- The compliant INSPIRE-WMS Soil / Moorbodenkarte Brandenburg - Substratart 2021 is a view service that delivers data in the annex schema Soil (derived from the original data set: Peatland soil map Brandenburg - substrate 2021). It provides an overview of the up-to-date information on the substrate systematic unit of the peatland soil map for the reference year 2021 in the state of Brandenburg. The available vector data sets were generated from a 10 m grid. For more information, please refer to The content of the map is compliant to the INSPIRE data specification for the annex theme Soil (D2.8.II.1_v3.0). The WMS consists of the following Layers: - SO.SoilBody: Part of the soil cover that is delineated and that is homogeneous with regard to certain soil properties and/or spatial patterns.
Der interoperable INSPIRE-WMS ist ein Darstellungsdienst, der Daten im Annex-Schema Boden (abgeleitet aus dem originären Datensatz: Moorbodenkarte Brandenburg - Bodentypen 2021) bereitstellt. Er gibt einen Überblick über aktuelle Informationen zur bodensystematischen Einheit der Moorbodenkarte für das Bezugsjahr 2021 im Land Brandenburg. Die vorliegenden Vektordatensätze wurden aus einem Grid im 10 m-Raster erzeugt. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Gemäß der INSPIRE-Datenspezifikation Soil (D2.8.II.1_v3.0) liegen die Inhalte der Karte INSPIRE-konform vor. Der WMS beinhaltet die folgenden Layer: - SO.SoilBody: Abgegrenzter und hinsichtlich bestimmter Bodeneigenschaften und/oder räumlicher Muster homogener Teil der Bodendecke. --- The compliant INSPIRE-WMS Soil / Moorbodenkarte Brandenburg - Bodentypen 2021 is a view service that delivers data in the annex schema Soil (derived from the original data set: Peatland soil map Brandenburg - soil type 2021). It provides an overview of the up-to-date information on the soil systematic unit of the peatland soil map for the reference year 2021 in the state of Brandenburg. The available vector data sets were generated from a 10 m grid. For more information, please refer to The content of the map is compliant to the INSPIRE data specification for the annex theme Soil (D2.8.II.1_v3.0). The WMS consists of the following Layers: - SO.SoilBody: Part of the soil cover that is delineated and that is homogeneous with regard to certain soil properties and/or spatial patterns.